Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces Making the Right Choice for your Orthodontic Needs in Wasilla

When it comes to orthodontic treatment and improving the appearance and function of your teeth, a few options are available to residents in Wasilla. Two of the most popular methods to straighten teeth and correct bite issues are traditional braces and Invisalign. With various factors to consider, choosing between these two options may seem overwhelming. 


Traditional Braces 

Traditional braces have been the go-to orthodontic treatment for decades. They consist of metal brackets that are cemented to the surface of your teeth and connected with metal wires that exert pressure to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. Traditional braces are suitable for correcting a broad range of dental issues, including overcrowding, gaps, and bite problems. 



- Highly effective for severe orthodontic cases, as they can move teeth vertically, and horizontally, and rotate them 

- Treatment progress can be easily monitored by an orthodontist 

- Generally more affordable compared to Invisalign 



- Visible on the teeth, potentially causing self-consciousness during treatment 

- Some discomfort due to the metal wires and brackets, which can irritate gums and cheeks 

- Eating restrictions, as certain foods can damage or dislodge the braces 

- Challenges maintaining oral hygiene, as food particles can become trapped between brackets and may require additional dental cleanings 



Invisalign is a relatively newer orthodontic treatment option that involves wearing a series of custom-made, virtually invisible aligner trays made from clear plastic. These aligners are replaced every few weeks to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. Invisalign in Wasilla can be attractive for those who want a discreet way to correct their dental issues. 



- Virtually invisible, allowing for more confidence during treatment 

- Removable, providing the flexibility to eat any food and drink without restrictions 

- Less discomfort compared to traditional braces, as there are no metal wires or brackets 

- Easier to maintain oral hygiene, as users can brush and floss as usual 



- Less effective at treating severe orthodontic cases, such as large gaps, rotations, or significant bite issues 

- May require longer treatment times if not worn consistently for the recommended 20-22 hours per day 

- Generally more expensive than traditional braces 

- Aligner trays can be easily misplaced or lost 


Making the Right Choice 

When it comes to choosing between traditional braces and Invisalign in Wasilla, several factors come into play. The severity of your orthodontic issues, desired level of discretion, budget, and lifestyle preferences all play a role in making the best decision for your needs. 


It's worth noting that not all patients are suitable candidates for Invisalign – a consultation with an experienced orthodontist is necessary to determine whether this option is appropriate for your case. In general, Invisalign is well-suited for those with mild to moderate dental issues and has a strong commitment to wearing the aligners for the required daily hours. 


In summary, traditional braces and Invisalign have unique advantages and drawbacks. By considering the information presented in this article and discussing further with your orthodontist, you can make an informed decision and embark on a journey towards a healthier and more confident smile in Wasilla.